Wednesday, August 24, 2016

The Programmer

Programming PROMS, as mentioned earlier, is a total PITA if you don't have a programmer (which I didn't). When designing the Z80 CPU portion, the decision was made to have just RAM rather than RAM and ROM. The interface between the Z80 and the single RAM chip was straightforward. All I have to do to take control of the BUS is to assert BUSRQ and wait for BUSAK from the Z80. Once the Z80 acknowledges the bus request, all its control signals are tri-stated. The programmer can then take control of the MREQ and WR lines to program the RAM chip. Since the lines are tri-stated, I probably could have taken control of them directly but I used a MUX (74HC157) as it will also act as a buffer to the expansion port.

I used a Microchip PIC18F46K22 as the controller on the programmer. This is one of my go-to chips that I know is more than capable to handle the job. I also used the MCP2200 USB to UART chip to connect the programmer to the PC that the code will be developed on. I started using this chip recently to replace the older MAX232 type circuit as newer computers don't have RS232 serial ports on them anymore. An added perk to the MCP2200 is that it also has 8 bits of available I/O that I will use for some simple handshaking. The remaining section of the programmer are address latches.
Since the Z80 is RAM based, there is nothing in memory on power-up so the programmer will always be connected. When the combo is powered up, the PIC immediately puts the Z80 in reset while it configures the bus control circuits to be in-active. The MCP2200 can also be configured to power up with its I/O in a given state. The MODE pin is programmed to power up low and this pin is monitored by the PIC. When MODE is low, the PIC releases the Z80 from reset. It also continues to monitor MODE and the Reset button. If the user presses the reset button, the PIC de-bounces the press and sends a  clean reset signal to the Z80. It will do this indefinitely.

When the PC wants to program the RAM chip, MODE is set high. The PIC will detect this as a request to go into command mode and acknowledge the PC by setting the ACK line high. The Z80 will continue to run as normal.  The PC will issue a Get Bus command and the PIC will assert, BUSRQ, wait for BUSACK, then enable the address latches and switch the control line MUX. The PC will then issue a Set Address command to have the PIC set the address latches to the starting address of where the program is to be loaded. The PC will then start sending 128 byte packets to the PIC containing the programmed data and a checksum byte for error detection. Once all the data is programmed, the PIC will release the programmer bus and control, release BUSRQ, wait for BUSACK to release, then reset the Z80.

The entire 64K address space can be programmed in under 7 seconds.

The programmer.

The programmer and Z80 "married"

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Some initial design thoughts

As mentioned in the last post, the design I came up with back in the day ended up being across multiple boards and, to an extent, followed what “Build Your Own Z80 Computer” described. There was a discrete clock circuit, a de-bounced reset circuit, the Z80 CPU, a few EPROMs, a few static RAMs, and some address decoder, buffer, and glue logic circuits. It was quite a lot of stuff for just the basic workings of a computer system.

The EPROMs were a huge issue in themselves. First, I didn't have a way to program them. I did build up a circuit to provide the correct voltages and timing but I still had to run everything manually. Imagine having to  set the address on a set of DIP switches, then set the data byte on another set of DIP switches, then press a button that would apply the correct programming pulse. This had to be done for every byte programmed. Miss a bit? Start over! And by starting over, I mean putting the EPROM in the UV eraser (at least I had one of those) for a few hours.

I still don't have a chip programmer but I believe I have come up with a design that eliminate the need for one, at least, directly. The schematic is linked at the end of this post. The design has been simplified as follows. The discrete clock circuit has been replaced by a 2 MHz crystal oscillator (Digikey XC232-ND, $2.98 USD). The Z80 is a standard, 40 pin DIP. The memory will consist of a single 128Kx8 static RAM chip (Digikey 1450-1017-ND, $2.53 USD). There will be no non-volatile storage. There will be an integrated programmer that will load the RAM chip through a USB serial connection. The chip has both an active high and active low enable and that made it extremely easy to interface to the Z80 by using both IORQ an MREQ lines. Since the Z80 only has 64K of memory address space, I will be "wasting" half of the chip but the ease of implementation makes up for it.

I initially had the Z80, RAM, and programmer all on a single board. I ended up splitting the programmer from the CPU section out of convenience. By splitting the circuit, I was able to piggy back the smaller boards onto other orders rather than having to place a unique order for the one board. It's a long story but it works the best for me.

The remainder of the schematic is the interface to the programmer and an expansion port for future I/O.

Monday, August 22, 2016

An Intro............

The purpose of this blog is to document a project that is probably 30 years in the making. The inspiration comes from “Build Your Own Z80 Computer” written by Steve Ciarcia back in 1981. At the time, I was an electronic engineering student and I dabbled with a simple Intel 8085 board in a few labs I had.  I was fascinated by the whole computer concept where you can program a chip to do something. I purchased Steve's book to give me ideas on how to build my own system. I actually ended up building some of the components from the book on Radio Shack perf-boards. From what I remember, one board had the Z80, clock, reset circuit, and address and data buffers. Another board had EPROM, RAM, and the address decoders. A third had a simple I/O system consisting of some switches and LEDs. All the boards were wired point to point style and were plugged into a chassis that had a series of edge connectors wired in parallel. It was kind of messy but I was able to get small programs running on it so I guess it was a success.

What I want to do here is to build a retro Z80 CPU with some 21st century components. The goal is to eliminate some of the problems I had back in the early 80's by using modern components. I guess I could just use an ARM processor and eliminate everything but that's not what I'm after here. I want to use the project for experimenting and general playing around with an early processor.

The various blog entries to follow will describe the part of the circuit being designed, what the hurdles were "back in the day", and how they will be eliminated using newer technology. I'm sure there will be better ways to do things but I'm doing things this way because it's the way I want to do there!